Secret Santa 2024
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New commands 3.6?
I was wondering if there were any new commands or anything in 3.6 if there are post them if there arent close the thread.
New features:

New menu theme
Choice between running at 30fps or 60fps (can add more action to the game)
Improved whisper (runs as own chat room just click back on server name to go to normal chat)
More i'm guessing.
Last edited by Yourface; Nov 8, 2008 at 06:06 PM.
I found one command, but it is still alpha command (still have bugs, like ^colours b4)so i think i shouldn't post it, sometimes it is double clienting you, so you can be banned.

I think there is a lot more commands, so if I'll find any I'll post.
Last edited by Kamil077; Nov 8, 2008 at 10:56 AM.
the /chat command is a nice feature. The problem is that I don't know how to use it. Every time I try to connect to the chat room of a different server and speak it still ends up in the room that I'm actually playing in. And then since I can't talk people think I'm double clienting, which I'm not.

Also: I like the interface better. The /at command is nice once I figure out chat. Also, disconnect and reconnect commands are nice.
Since when did I become Asian?
"/at" and "/chat" ? Whats that?
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Do NOT use /chat command.
It is double clienting you and you can get ban for that...

Edit: /chat is only userful when you are playing sinleplayer, and you can see what ppl are writing at other servers (eg. wushu7).
Last edited by Kamil077; Nov 8, 2008 at 08:12 PM.
Originally Posted by Kamil077 View Post
Do NOT use /chat command.
It is double clienting you and you can get ban for that.

Say wha?
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
"/chat ..." is for makiing someting like chat rooms.
Actually it works like "/join ..." command, but you don't leave prev room. So it is double clienting you.
Ok... So whats "/at" ?
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Originally Posted by Vx7 View Post
Ok... So whats "/at" ?

/at or /addtab opens a tab for whispering aka "/at Blam" then click on the blam tab at the bottom, press enter and type "hey" :P