Original Post
Except some twitches at the start and in the last trick,the overall replay was pretty dope.
Loved the jump-off at around 1200,looked realistic af imo.
Poeple should start watching new people's replays some of them r dope as hell gg dude.
I hope when i post the next replay i hope i get more replied
If you didn't know when a replay maker gets a replied on his
Replay he feel really good and special so guys next time you
See the replay tell me at less it's cool or keep going
Simple stuff like this makes people a lot happer it's just
Words man so don't be lazy at making some one happy with
Simple words .and thanks every one for the support.
Dude teach me, This is dope af
How does one trick?
Dude you can keep your flow and speed like hell!
Great flow and speed through out the replay
A few twitches here and there
And it's a bit short.
Overall these are really good keep at it man!
Holy fuck, you are looking fabulous meija,
you had great momentum and your tricks were well executed.
Excited to see a new replay from you!

Forreign make sure your legs are only a little bit bent on your corks not fully contracted.
Also make sure that your planning your combo, because it looked like you were just making it up as you go,
and work on realism!!!
Thanks guys
an old replay of mine i hope you like it
give me some feedback if you want
Attached Files
teto.rpl (636.1 KB, 38 views)
i like your style, of course there are twitchy moments but barely affects the replay, just keep doing what you want and be creative, that donut boy was sick.