TD Raiz was wonky but I liked it. Maybe try smoothening it out next time. Your main problem with the cork was your arms, take a look at the replay below.
(After watching the replay)
For the spin, and therefore extra speed to land, you want to bring in one arm before the other and then swing the other arm down at the end. Mainly people contract because it's easier but if you've gotten good enough at the movement during corks like me and Nulu, you can keep your arms a little over 90 degrees.
It just takes practice mango.
Not the best setup so I had a bit of trouble. A good way to understand the movement is to TF 10 because you run out of options. The replay is TF 10.
Edit: I'm going to be harsh because you're fucking stupid man. The lower the grav the harder to spin. I don't shit on people for doing lower gravs in tricking generally but if you don't know what the FUCK you're doing don't fucking set it lower. Thank you.
Last edited by MagnusSol; Jun 21, 2017 at 05:22 PM.