Kyushindo (KyD) is a clan where you must train and seek perfection in what ever way you desire. "Kyu-shin-do" Means seek the path to perfection.
Clan Story
Long Ago Masters of all Arts met, because they were disappointed in their students they lacked skill, they lacked style, they lacked peace and calm. The Masters Decided to form a Clan which would progress though all styles of fighting and improving fighting all around them!
Clan Aims
[ ] Gain Ten Players
[ ] Start Warring
[ ] Become Official
[ ] Be Recognized
[ ] Get an Elite Team of Players
Clan Ethics
1. Be Respectful to all players
2. Be on at least once a Week, If you need to leave put a post about it on the forums
3. There will be a monthly Training Day will be decided
4. Always help out fellow clan members
5. Always aim for the best you can
6. Never lose your cool
7. Any Fighting Style is allowed even "Noob Clap"
8. Respect peoples uniqueness