Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
as of now this "elecshion" is being high jacked (no dont wory im not going to go al crazy tyrent or anything) fogle i am not satisfied with the way you are doing this so i will give you 2 choises
1.) stay in the clan....
2.) leave (and this will cost you your mod powers)
now i dont care if you reamain a part of this community but you will not remain a part with any athority, now contrairy to what you all seem to belive i am not inactive, and i am varry capible of leading this clan, the reason you have belefs contrairy to this is because when me and fogle founded this clan it was as partners, he then imediatly begain making desisions and complietly assing me out, he TOOK full leadership of this clan and nobody seemed to notce so i remaind imparshiol, i desided he wants full power he can have it, i tryed several tymes to take an active leadership role hear and every time was completly destroid by one post by fogle, there for i will not have him remain a mod hear whene he is not a part of this clan. that is what i have to say and that is the way this is going, you will all see that i am just as capble as fogle and i am now re-taking my control

i will be electing a co-leader but it will be my way, im will start a pole with every active members name on it, you will all then commence to vote, i will then make a decision between the ppl with the most votes based on who i feel is most fitt help lead this clan
talk about a fucked up person, andrew i support you in every way, i want you to be a leader, and u go post shit like this? every day at school i tell u to post on forum, WHY? cuz i want you to be recognized as a leader!
to say i am like a tyrant is fucking wrong, i care about nothing more on toribash but you, and all these members. i am outraged that you would DARE to act like i wanted to be a tyrant, every time sum1 asks me about you i say u are my best friend in real life, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO? i support you and your girlfriend, and i only mess with you, because thats what best friends do to eachother, OK?
i am sorry if u honestly think i try to hold you away from a powerful position, and if u think i shouldnt still hang around here to help, fine, im gone.

lol your a total ideat! i never said you where a tyrant! you where a great leader but look at all the importent stikies there all yours mine are always getting deleted you may not of done it on purpase but you pushed me out of my spot!
ahh, i see so the words "Full Leadership" dont mean tyrant anymore?
and i delete all old stickys that arent posted on anymore, if u would have made som new ones, they wouldve stayed.

lol no i dont consider that a tyrant not at all you where a fair leader also i never said you couldent stick around and help i said you couldent stick around and help with mod powers
yah since when does that make sense? does the word "friend" mean ANYTHING to you?

how dose that not make sence? hear let me show you
ok ppl if me and fogle where to split the clan who would go with fogle and who would go with me? also who thinks iv done anything?
ok people this sucks ass
this is about fun
nothing but fun
if mc1ovin does not want me as leader im no leader, ok?
im fine

i mean.. this is "just" a toribash clan... its not the world

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
mostly because ur post about who would go where was the immature thing youve ever said...