Original Post
Do you believe in ghosts?
Ghosts, spirits, lost souls, anything 'paranormal'. What do and what don't you believe. Don't just outwardly give a short crappy answer. Explain your reasoning, tell your stories.

I'm not sure if I'm alone in this. But I'm a strong believer. To which I have good reasoning. I never was as a child until more recently. I'm actually typing this up a second time due to the most recent incident.

I'll explain my more recent stories to get this started off.

So as of last night(late 9/10 into early 9/11) I was at my nanas(grandmothers) house dog sitting as I do every once in awhile. She lives alone in a tiny house out in the middle of nowhere about 20 minutes away from my home. Her husband (my poppy) passed away 6 years ago. And I actually have his laugh tattood on my arm in the form of a Soundwave.

To explain the layout of her house.
This is the exact same model as her house;
You walk in the front door to the living room. That splits down the middle on the other side, left is the dining room and through the dining room is the 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. To the right is the kitchen and through the kitchen is the computer room (The 4th picture on the link).

So it was around 9 pm, Tay (one of the 2 dogs) as usual for this time was sitting at the back door in the computer room waiting to go outside but it was a little different, she was staring out like she was watching something. I just figured oh a bunny or some shit caught her attention, so I let her out. She walked out directly towards whatever she was staring at and stayed there, staring into the woods at the same spot without moving for a few minutes. I thought it was a bit creepy knowing something was there when I brought her back in because you can see where I sit at the computer clear as day through the back door. So I decide to go to bed and I brought the dogs with me as usual. I get in bed and Tay lays at the foot of my bed and boomer (the other dog) lays next to the bed on the floor. I wasn't laying in bed for 5 minutes when my nanas t.v. in the other room turned on. Mind you the door to her room hasn't opened in 2 days and I'm home alone with both dogs in my room. It's on for a minute, maybe 2. It turns off. A few minutes later it turns back on again. This repeats for about half an hour. Then both of the dogs pick their heads up in unison. They are looking at something in my doorway. They both turn their heads slowly in sync to the corner of the room and watch something, whatever it was stay there looking at me for about 2-3 minutes. Then they still in sync watch it walk out of the door. Almost as if timed perfectly, whatever it was tripped in the living room. You could hear and feel the thud of the crash, both dogs jumped up. Ears up and all. A few minutes later the tv starts up again and it keeps going on and off until I pass out from pure exhaustion.

I wake up and check the house. Not a single thing is touched or moved or anything (still have not opened my nanas door). I was a little spooked but I wasn't too scares because I thought it was my poppy. We know there is some paranormal stuff going on in the house and there has been for about a year with tv's turning on and off and random music playing from my poppys old iPod in the middle of the night. It was always his favorites too. We had never thought anything of it. He was a great guy and we all loved him.

So the next day(just happened a little bit ago).
The same occurrence happens with Tay(the staring into the woods) But I just take it as whatever and stay on the computer. About 10 minutes after I bring her in she starts acting weird. She runs around licking the floor. Yips and jumps back and forth between the garage door and the backdoor(the garage door is the other side of the room from the backdoor). I go to let her out the back door thinking maybe she has to throw up or some shit who knows. I open the back door and put her lead on. She sits there, staring out into the open door and won't move. So I take the lead off and close the door. She starts jumping and yipping and etc. Again. I do this 2 more times trying to let her out to no avail. I start to realize I think she's trying to tell me we need to leave. I ignore it thinking that I'm just exaggerating. During this boomer starts acting weird too. He only ever sits properly when commanded to and with treat in hand, and even that's rare. He did that for a few minutes staring in a random direction. So I call his name and snap him out of it for a moment. He then goes and walks into the living room and does the same thing for about 10 minutes. But he's staring at my poppys picture. It's the only picture of just him in the house. All other pictures he's with people and what not. He didn't move until I pulled him. Not 5 minutes later. A loud bang on the garage door. A knock. 3 times. Not a light little knock either. It was banging. I yelled out "who's there" "anybody there" "Hello? " but no answers. The garage door also hasn't been opened in 3 days now and the garage itself is closed shut and has no windows. I'm freaking out now and grab the dogs and my keys and leave the house and to which here I am now.

Ghosts are real. Fuck that shit.
Last edited by Demi; Sep 12, 2017 at 06:52 PM.
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
I do not believe in ghosts at all. I mean really all
different people think differently. I think it goes to
say that most people that believe in ghosts
are religious. But personally I don't believe in that jazz.
I believe in ghosts.

I was around 10/11 probably and I went downstairs to get a glass of milk (don't live in this house anymore)
But basically, you could see the TV lounge from the bottom of the stairs (i forgot where the kitchen was not gonna lie)

Anyway I fetched 2 glasses of milk (one for me and one for my brother) and then as I was walking up the stairs I looked to the right, not too sure why tbh and I saw a bald man in a black suit inside my lounge staring outside the window, he was just sorta standing there though, great posture, looked really neat and stuff
Anyway, being the 11 year old I was, I screamed and got tf up the stairs and ran to my parents.
My mom asked like why I was screaming and stuff and I told her exactly what I saw, a few days later she showed me a photograph and asked if that's what the man looked like and it really did look like the guy in the photo. Turns out it was my mom's grandfather and he was a tailor which explains the black suit

but yeah that's my story and it's pretty cool that i got to experience that I guess.
I have experienced other shit like knocking on doors and stuff but it hasn't been that often and I didn't really think anything of it tbh, thought it was just the wind and stuff

I really do have a strong belief in ghosts and stuff though
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Short answer: No. Long answer: Nope. Now don't get me wrong, i think it'd be cool of they WERE real, and i'd be one of the first to hang out with the ghosts because just how fucking bored wouldn't they be? There are just too many problems for me to believe in it, though. First of all, anecdotal evidence doesn't cut it for proving such things. You might well have experienced some weird shit, but if you were the only ones around, there's not really much credibility to it, is there?

Secondly, there's this issue: The number of people currently alive is UTTERLY DWARFED by the amount of people who have once lived. So, do ghosts die or fade with time, and if so, how long would this take? What makes a ghost "spawn", and how often does it happen? Do animals spawn ghosts? If no, why not? Even if it's (somehow) only humans that spawn ghosts, where does the evolutionary line for "human" go (creationists can safely ignore this question)? You have to remember, if we fast forward 100 years from now, almost every living person today would be dead, and that would be a LOT of ghosts even if it's only one in one thousand that fits the criteria.

But, let's be fair here and say that we know ghosts can only last up to 6-ish years (even though haunted houses supposedly remain so for a LONG time). Going by this particular source, there were around 2,6 million deaths during 2014 in USA alone. If we simplify this massively, let's just multiply that by 6 and get 15,6 million dead people in the last 6 years, in USA, most likely with a much higher concentration in densely populated cities rather than cottages in the ass end of nowhere. That is a lot of potential ghosts. USA is a large place, but with the sheer (and no doubt tragic) amount of people dying all the time, this oughta result in a lot of ghosts, spectres, banshees, apparitions and what have you. Even then, we have no reliable evidence for their existence. The fact that some people claim that skepticism drives them away doesn't exactly help matters.

Mind you, those are numbers for USA; China and India would have SEVERE ghost problems if it was any more than one in a million who spawned a ghost, and let's not forget the abject horrors of nazi concentration camps, where A LOT of innocent people were callously murdered like animals. If that doesn't spawn ghosts, i don't know what will.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
As per the beginning shook, my nana has experienced the exact same things too. It's not just me. We experienced the same things at the same time. Just not the most recent occurrence.

Who knows maybe ghosts or souls or What not don't form from every death or maybe they hibernate such as bears but for years at a time. We have no way of knowing where they are and what happens to them, etc.
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
I won't doubt that you and your nana are decent and trustworthy people, but it's still anecdotal evidence; if i came around with my uncle and we both claimed to have found Nidhogg's lair, you probably wouldn't believe us. But, even if it is true, it still leaves an awful lot of questions unanswered, and while i can accept that not everything can be answered as of right now, a big problem i have with this whole thing is that different cultures/religions have different answers.

This wouldn't be a problem if it was just a species of animal, since frogs look very different across the globe, and that is scientifically recorded. However, you can bring an african frog to Europe, and it'll still be an african frog. Ghosts are generally agreed upon to stem from humans in some way, and while humans vary significantly in appearance as well, this poses an interesting question: If a tourist died on a foreign continent, what kind of ghost would that result in? The person doesn't magically become native, so why should the ghost? And what about people with mixed heritage? All in all, it just seems to me like a matter of belief, not fact. That's where i jump off the wagon.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I can understand all that and I'm not saying you're wrong in the least but a lot of people push this towards religion but I'm atheist. I don't believe in any of it personally at all. I don't understand how any of it is related to religion
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
Being a ghost is a form of afterlife, which is a central topic in many religions, and they don't necessarily agree on how it works. That's how it's relevant, not that i'd agree with any of them either.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Nulu View Post
I can understand all that and I'm not saying you're wrong in the least but a lot of people push this towards religion but I'm atheist. I don't believe in any of it personally at all. I don't understand how any of it is related to religion

Well, they also both kinda depend on one having a seemingly magical metaphysical view of reality that's at odds with what is scientifically understood to be true about the world.

So, it's the same kind of thinking, just differently applied. Road A leads to god, Road J leads to ghosts, Road Y leads to flat earth theory. Metaphysical irrationality.
Last edited by Ele; Sep 13, 2017 at 04:08 AM.
You're apparently alone in the house late at night dog sitting and, by proxy, house sitting. You hear the T.V. turn on for no reason and you don't bother to check it. Alright, ignoring that this is already terrible house sitting, I'm going to assume you just assumed you're hearing things. However, you're bothering to keep track of how long this is occurring, which implies some interest in your part, but not enough to actually investigate. Sure, we'll ignore this. You then hear a thud that's so loud/close that you feel it. Why on earth are you not investigating ANYTHING at this point? Random T.V. turning on and off is one thing, but a loud thud that you can feel in a house that's supposed to be empty? You're house sitting, and you just think to lie in bed and ignore this shit.

And then you wake up randomly in the middle of the night to finally check if something happened. It didn't dawn on you to do it earlier, no you're going to check possibly hours later, despite not feeling any need to do so in the immediate moment when you had all the reason in the world to check. Meanwhile, you're saying you won't open the door to your grandma's room, but you're assuming it's your dead grandfather who you loved. Why? If you loved him, wouldn't you want to meet him even as a ghost? Why avoid opening the door, unless you don't want to risk opening it and have your assumption ruined by not finding anything?

Finally, you hear a banging in the home and you get scared and leave. But you literally just assumed it was your grandfather previously, now it's some malicious ghost who's scaring you out of the house? Better yet, why didn't you assume it was an intruder like any rational person and CALL THE COPS? You're hearing banging from inside private property trying to get further in, sounds like something worth calling the cops over. But nope, gonna leave, let the ghost settle his shit, and come back later. That makes literally no sense from any rational standpoint.

It seems more like you've reached your conclusion already, and are just interpreting all "evidence" to support your conclusion. You're putting your carriage before the horse.

Honestly, this sounds more like you have a pest problem the more I read it.
nyan :3
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