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Gears of War 2
Okay, discuss Gears of War 2.
What you thought, what would've been a better addition, etc. etc.

Personally, I think they should've extended the part about Dom's wife and finding her. The new weapons in the game were a great addition, especially the grinder and the poison gas grenades.
We don't hire night janitors.
Got the game today and tbh the horde mode is really kickass but yeah some parts are too short but the game is still sooooo good.
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
The best shooter I've ever played. I love the new executions.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Played from Wave 1 to Wave 20 on Hardcore all of this afternoon with a friend. If you want to be effective in Horde mode, do it on Blood Drive, bunk down in a really narrow corridor, kill a mauler and block the corridor off with a sheild. Then just use your Lancer or SNUB on all the crap that gets stuck behind it. Pick the sheild up and move it in the lulls so you and your buddy can get ammo. Also, a shield with a Mulcher on top in a 2m wide corridor is a wonderful spectacle, As for poison grenades, Chac, use them on Boomers and Bloodmounts on Horde. Trap em somewhere and toss a poison in there with it, works wonders. Poisons also work really well when you tag people with them. The Bloodmount has to be the toughest, most annoying enemy in any game, ever. And thank god for full Bot support in multiplayer. Genius move.

As for the story, I really liked it and I thought that the part with Dom's wife was ok, but it really should have come much later in the game.

I think that the Sires are probably an early form of Locust, and that most of the locust (excluding crap like Corpsers) are POWs from the Pendulum wars. Adam Fenix probably knew this as well. I reckon the whole Locust race was probably meant to be a new weapon in the Pendulum Wars. Except, it either got out of control, or it is being used exactly as planned. I think the Queen was also a human scientist or something.

But we shall see, won't we?

The game is absolutely superb, by far the best FPS I've ever played. Meatflag forever.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
I've bought it, but not got around to playing it - too busy trying to play through Timmy & the lords of the underworld on Rock Band without laughing. :s

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
A well-aimed frag gets the job done better tbh.
or sticking the grenade to one of them.

Also, I agree with the part on Dom's wife, so much missed potential on that bit.

Knowing you, you just want some "bakkake"(can't believe you showed me that!). >_>
Last edited by Vx7; Nov 16, 2008 at 08:02 PM.
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Originally Posted by Chac
The poison gas grenades were utterly useless, they do the same as a normal grenade but 10 times slower, so the enemies could easily run away. And the enemies didn't even explode into bits.

Heh,i use poision grenades purely for comedic purposes like shoving one into a locusts face then watching it run away and poision it's team mates.

Also I suck playing Horde with mister whenever i go to get ammo he always goes and snipes out the back without telling me, meaning i get raped by maulers and bloodmounts. :< My favourite single player level was probably the one where you first go underground and there all the rock worms. <3

Worst level is that part with all the goddamn razor rain >:(
Jacinto wasn't "built to keep the Locust out". It was already there, the humans just retreated to it because it lies on top of a huge rock bed that the Locust can't dig through. Play through GoW1 again, I recommend, Chac.

It doesn't ever say that they were there the whole time. Baird says in Hive: No Turning Back, that he can't believe how fast all they built all the stuff down there. Marcus says "We still don't even know how long they've been down here."

So it's not definite that they've been down there forever. I also think pointing out the Pendulum Wars in such a profound manner in the starting movie (Unlike in GoW1) and in Gathering Storm serves little else but to set up the revelation of the Locust/Human relationship.


It seems like a setup with Dom saying in Gathering Storm, "Do you think they kept POWs from the Pendulum Wars here?" and shortly thereafter you find the Sires. The reason that Delta was sent to the New Hope facility was because they were told they would find the location of the Locust stronghold there. It clearly mentions "Subjects" being transported to Mount Kadar somewhere, I think it is in an article you pick up. Mount Kadar also happens to be the entrance to the Locust stronghold. Coincidence?

It all adds to it, I think. Because the Locust came out either during, or just after the Pendulum Wars, makes me think of a Watchmen style scenario. Adam Fenix, Niles and other scientists could have created the Locust Race in order to stop the Pendulum Wars, by uniting humanity against a common enemy. At the end of the credits, after destroying the Hollow, there is a clear message of Adam Fenix saying "What have you done?!" I think it's because the Locust is the only way to keep humanity from fighting itself. By destroying the Locust, they then eliminate thier uniting objective.
I'm done. I think it makes perfect sense.
Last edited by Mister616; Nov 17, 2008 at 09:55 AM.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU