Original Post
(he) Heroes

Application Center

We are Heroes. The forum based clan.
This clan is a clan for active, talented, and helpful members of the forum community in Toribash.
We recruit players such as mod makers, artists, marketers, scripters etc....
Although if you are in general just an active contributor to Toribash forums, you too have a chance to join.
We tend to keep the clan to a tight pact family rather than a 30 member clan.
This is not to say we are an elitist exclusive clan, rather say we keep strict recruitment.
We are here to have fun!!

·Be Respectful
·Report Misbehaving Invaders To Leaders
·Stay Active On Forums And Discord
·Do Not Fill Our Thread With Ally Requests, Art Proposals, or "Good Luck Posts"
·If You Want To Be Allied Just Pm A Leader Of The Clan
·Keep Posts 4 Sentences Up Unless The Short Post Is Of Urgent Importance
·If You Wish To Back And Forth Talk Utilize Our IRC or Discord
·Have Fun

[X] Have fun
[X] Have clan art
[X] Have full clan requirements
[ ] Become official
[ ] Write an adventurous clan story
[ ] Host clan events

This position is where the admins of this clan reside.
The job of a leader is to oversee trouble, and overall take the clan to success

This position is where the extra helpers reside.
The job of a co-leader is to ensure that the rules stated by the leader are enforced.

This is where the artists of the clan reside.
They make art and push activity of the clan.

This is where the mod makers of the clan reside.
They make mods and are the go-to people when talking about creating courses for an event.

This is where the marketers of the clan reside. Don't let them upsell you in discord. ;)
They market well, and they also push activity for the clan.

This is where the generally active players will go.
They usually make tutorials, create events, or are just ub3r active.

None Yet

None Yet
Last edited by iPod; Nov 11, 2017 at 06:26 AM.

Be Cool. Have Style.