Original Post
512x512 jointed set
This incredible looking set is probably my most favorite sets of all time, i hate to let her go, but time has come!

Ill be selling this set for $15 via paypal ONLY!

Comes with recolors! Gold and Red is my FAVORITE!

Artist: FlyingMonk
owner: Flyingmonk, Me.
Last edited by Milf; Dec 15, 2017 at 12:43 AM.
Originally Posted by FlyingMonk View Post
I am the artist.

Milf, you can just ban that bit**, he walking around the market, useless posting,
trolling, doing extremely lowball offers - without any plans for buying,
insulting other's art and making market bit**y energy place, heres some of his posts:

ima pretty sure he is just marketer who trying play dirty, so he use that alt for those moves,

like he can say your art is cheap trash - but re-login via main, and try haggle the price.

Wounder, how are you a user - who telling staff about rules, by actually breaking the rules by yourself?
1)no backseat moderation
2)no useless posting
3)no art criticism/ insulting

and we will continue discussion via Pm's, cuz its a place for selling art,
not for your ****** postings

also Wounder, im banning you and your alts forever on my thread access,
will refresh banlist bit later.

whoah calm down man

i raise my offer to 6$
Wounder I respectfully deny. I was at work, didn't have much time to post every detail. Leave the rule hammer to the MS. TY.

This set is worth more than $6.