I played For Honor on console since Open Beta began and I've gotta say a good portion of characters are cancerous. I won't talk about how shitty the connection is because that's something that the game is renowned for.
I'll categorize them from personal experience.
Top Cunts:
Peacekeeper (pressing R1/RB repeatedly = win)
Shinobi (just keep kicking them and pressing R1/RB = win)
Orochi (top lights and zone attacks are legit the only thing most Orochi's do and it
Valkrye (albeit a low tier character, all you need to do is light in any direction and sweep constantly = win)
Recent Addition: Shaman (bash lights and bleed to dash/pounce = victory)
Medium Cunts:
Warden (for the most part top lights and the shoulder-bash are hard-ish to counter, its a 50/50 whether or not he guard-breaks you or bashes)
Centurion (when Cent was released it was hard to counter but when you realize all he can do is kick, light, heavy and punch he's easy to counter but once in a blue moon you find a good Cent)
Nobushi (kinda the same as Peacekeeper but when you focus hard enough it becomes a breeze fighting even high rep Nobushi's)
Shugoki (press R1/RB or RT and X/Square = win)
Recent Addition: Aramusha (kinda easy to counter unless you're against a decent player that times shit right but still a spam-my character)
Bottom Cunts:
Every other character. decent to counter unless going against high rep that knows what they're doing.
Last edited by id; Dec 16, 2017 at 12:55 PM.
Reason: fuck