She - Good. Flow got a little messed at the 'not just one of my wordless raps that talks about shit'. Maybe a syllabic issue or maybe just an execution issue. Instrumental arrangement was tight. Can't comment on the mixing on any of these songs (don't listen to much rap (so wouldn't have much of a reference) and listened through laptop speakers).
Either Way - I think 'fuck' and 'fuck' derivatives were overused here, but that's just my opinion. Again instrumentals were good and non-offensive. Don't have much to comment about this one.
For the Hood - Enjoyed the marching rhythm you developed until about 1:45. I get that you changed the beat to create some interest and keep things from being boring, but when you changed it, I felt it lost some of the marching rhythm the song had until that point.
Night Ride - This one felt a bit aimless, and I wasn't a fan of the chord progression you changed it to near the end. I couldn't hear the vocals as clearly as I could in the other tracks, so that might have contributed to the aimlessness I felt. Think it might just be the EQ you used? Sounds tinny, like the highs and lows have been removed. I sometimes use EQs like that on purpose, but I usually also boost the mids as well, from about 1k to 3k - This makes the male voice much clearer. Anyway, might not be an EQ thing, I'm sure you know what you've done with your track.
Gave you a follow. Keen to hear what you release next.