Original Post
Recongnize old schoolers?
So, you know how In game Old Schoolers have the "+" in front of their name?
I think you should be able to recognize them on the forum too. How I say to do it is:
Under my name, where it says "ugly Member" It should say "old Schooler" OR "Old Schoolers Own you" (last one is a joke)

Or, Admins could put "old Schooler" Under where it says "Ugly Member".

(I doubt this one but ill post it anyway) Old Schoolers get Tori-prime, But their custom think under their name would have to be "Old Schooler"

Post how you think they should do it, or if they shouldn't.

( I was going to put up a poll ,but it seams that i cant, or that i cant find it...)
Dont we alredy have that little picture thats below our name and stuff? Also look at my user title bish XD

edit: hmm did they get rid of taht? i know it was always bugged where normal users couldnt see it sometimes but i dont see mine D=
i knew i shoulda got a regkey back in 2.5 when i started playing! but i was cheap and waited until 3.0 for it to be free lolz, think of all the bonuses i could have had.. wait.. just the +.. i want one xD
[sheep] Bahh..
Juicey Orangey Goodness :DD
Oh god, please tell me another "bitch that we didn't get anything for buying a reg key" thread wasn't just made. Please tell me that didn't just happen. I know you didn't mean it to be that way skinnydude, but karlos just started a chain reaction

Let me stop the people that are going to say we didn't get anything RIGHT THERE. Don't even go there.

When 3.0 was made free, we were given a free head texture and, if you asked for it, an additional 40k per registration key you bought. Furthermore, we paid that (relatively low) price to have tons of fun before the game was made free. For example, I bought mine late 2006. That means I had a whole year of being able to reap the benefits of the full game before it was made free. How the hell is that not worth it? (rhetorical question, for the love of god don't answer it and try to fight me, because we don't need another of those threads. I was just pointing out to people to think before they turn it into one of those threads.)