Original Post
Matchmaking and daily reward
I don't see daily menu when open toribash.
I can't use matchmaking.
When i open matchmaking menu and click search nothing happens
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Hey there! Sorry for the late response. What version are you on? The rewards system only works on 5.2+ and only on steam version.
As for matchmaking, sir disabled it awhile back to do some bug fixes for it. It should be up and running now
Last edited by Smaguris; Jan 22, 2018 at 05:03 PM. Reason: <3
When did daily rewards screen stop showing? I see you got TC several days ago and earlier.
Verify cache integrity, check if it starts showing up after you do that.

As for matchmaking, can you please describe what exactly happens after you press search? Does the menu stay unresponsive, or does it minimize but doesn't initiate the search?
One or two days i don't take rewards
It minimize but doesn't initiate the search
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