I recommend reading through before listening or looking at the track
They should always peak at 0, kicks and snares are also always 0. Basses, depends, a sub should peak at roughly -6ish and from there it's up to taste, my latest track
It peaks at around 0 bc of the compressor I have on the master channel. The kick and snare are sidechaind to, well.. everything basically. I use a limiter as a sidechain, because it's faster and works the same. I do so that I link all of the tracks I want to only one chanel in what's called a bus, in this case a sidechain bus. like this where you can see that "line" at the bottom of the kick and snare channel going to the sidechain channel aswell as the master channel.
Here you can see all my synths (in this case serum) is also going to that channel but they're only going to that channel.
Here you can see how I set up the limiters to work as a sidechain (left is snare right is kick) you can also see where the kick and snare hits and the rest "ducks" (Purple is kick and snare whilst white is the rest of the input)
Here you can see the master channel and also my effects on it, an EQ aswell as the Fruity Compressor, the compressor is automated (The yellow automation line) all through out the song to make it so the drops sounds heavier when they hit. Meaning, the drops hits at 0db whilst the rest of the track is a little lower than that, not too much tho.
I hope this'll help out a little atleast, anymore questions, just send me a pm ;3