I thought of a few more guys!
Yo Momma so fat, she sat on a Nintendo Gamecube and it turned into a Gameboy!
Yo Momma so fat, she lost a game of Hide & Seek cause I saw her hiding... Behind Mount Everest!
Yo Momma so fat, she could be the 8th continent!
Yo Momma so fat, her belt is the equator!
Yo Momma so fat, when she wears a jacket with an 'X' on it, helicopters attempt to land on her!
Yo Momma so fat, she got a job at the movie theater.... she was the screen!
Yo Momma so fat, she once told me 'I could eat a horse'...believe me, she wasn't kidding!
Yo Momma so fat, when she fell off a boat and the Captain yelled, "Land Ahoy!!!"
Yo Momma so fat, when she went bunjee jumping, she went straight to hell!
Yo Momma so fat, when she went to buy clothes at the store, all she kid fit into was the dressing room!
Yo Momma so fat, when it's, 'All You Can Eat' it's still not enough.