At the beginning there's an underlying modulation that kinda ruins the sound and doesnt fit in.
The kicks and snares are really crisp and nice, good sample choice
At 0:57 you're starting the build up, then allow it to be reduced to 3 channels again which kills the mood.
Dont repeat the vocal sample, try finding a new one from the same speech if possible.
At 1:13 just before the main sound comes in, consider adding an upbeat with a sample of some kind, or even just a kick/snare
During the drop make sure you dont lose your main idea, you kinda went off on a tangent and it didnt sound great.
At 1:33 tone down the riser, it's overpowering and too high to be comfortable on the ears
At 1:40 I would move those vocal samples to where the kick/snare comes in and instead put a smaller riser there
At 2:44 just as the kick/snare comes in, I would change the main sound to expand on the sound just before it. So instead of just repeating the same sound over and over, keep the first 2 as they are, then expand the sound and go down in pitch or something so it adds interest.
I'm not a music genius by any means, this is just what I think would sound nice