do you understand the concepts of a lift battle? from begining middle to end?
some general lift things. if you see the lift try to remove their base leg/s by hooking a leg around their leg. if you do the lift will probably be stopped by they can still turn it into a throw using your leg as the fulcrum point. if you have lost the battle and are in the air. resist the urge to extend the hips and throw your legs back. this will bring you closer to the edge in the small dojo. leg your legs hang you want them pointing towards the ground. ready to land.
lost the battle? screwed up the legs? turn the wheel to try and sit your weight as close to theirs as you can. legs spread to give you a wider base top land on. but not too far open you don't want to be thought of as a slut and have your toe go out of the ring. turning the wheel means to swap your shoulders so one is raising the other is lowering. to turn into your opponent and aply pressure contract the pec of lowered arm and extend the raised arms pec. play around with it in single player and if you still don't get it i'll figure out another way to explain it. or find someone better at explaining.
how are you at landing? if you have trouble landing on your feet try playing some wushi. it will teach you set ups for comebacks.
in regards to getting used to your tori. try playing against your self in the ufcoctogon mod. set it to 10 frames per turn. no dm no frac. dq with a 30frame pin. then alternate between the two. . if you want want to use both use the opener or the random script. this will teach you offence and defence simultaniously if controlling both. the shorter turn frames will give you more control of your tori. you can do 5 frames if your really into it. but that gets a bit grindy. the 30 frame dq is to encourage good heavy top positions and gives you a bit of breathing room while learning the concepts.
have a look at real world moves and see why they work.take a set of moves like throws and burn them down to the individual components. find what components over lap with other moves. once you understand the components for moves you can make your own or combine them. if you have more specific questions let me know.
in the replay i use two hooks to counter potential lifts. with the lifts/suplexes stablized against. the first is a toe hook that changes into a leg hook.
i only really have to worry about the throws.