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my first real headtext, opinions?
This is my first (real) attempt at a headtexture.
also credit to for the hair shape.
(i traced it, i said i referenced it but then i got called out and proven wrong, so ty for calling me out because i was being a lying piece of trash.)

the whole thing is unoriginal and im trash
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Last edited by Melon; Mar 8, 2018 at 09:28 PM.
no way bro thats crazy
Originally Posted by Melodicity View Post
This is my first (real) attempt at a headtexture.

The only thing not completely original is the eyes, i referenced those from a google image. Opinions??

you forgot to point out you traced the hair from here

Its clear that you're using a mouse I recommend you to use vectors
its called pen tool in photoshop look up tutorials on how to use it also you could try and use photoshop Ilustrator If you want to do cool stuff
Its not really bad to be your first try but it doesnt look good especially the proportions of the eyes
make clean shapes with the pen tool and you should probably just mirror the head and make it symmetrical for now
oh, sorry. i'll put that in there, thanks for the advice, i wanted to make the eyes really big, i guess i just drew it how i thought it would look good.i tried not to trace anything, i just used it as a reference.thanks, again.
Last edited by Melon; Mar 8, 2018 at 04:00 AM.
no way bro thats crazy
da duck did he just say?!
Originally Posted by Melodicity View Post
i tried not to trace anything, i just used it as a reference. but thanks, again.

Duck off with your cheap ass bullshit now, that's clearly a badly made trace on top of a layer with Tetsuru's head.
The outlines overlap exactly on the same spots.

What do you gain in pretending to have done something you clearly haven't? at least be honest with your self and stop taking us for idiots.
I could see that bullshit naked eye.
Last edited by Chikin; Mar 8, 2018 at 03:23 AM.
Are you high? I know what the hell I did with my own damn work, I wouldn't be pissed off but you're being a damn idiot, the outlines overlap exactly on the same spots because i used it as a god damn reference, I didn't trace it, i had it on my other monitor, you could say i copied it, which i did, i didn't trace it, i looked at it and drew what was there. Don't call me out for shit I didn't do.

(edit) i'm lying trash
Last edited by Melon; Mar 8, 2018 at 09:31 PM.
no way bro thats crazy
Art Paraphrasing is the best wording. You did copy someone else's art work but not with the intent of claiming it as your own idea.

Using a pen tool is the best way to make clean lines, as Sthip suggested. (Add your program and tools so we can help). I recommend staying away from using other's artwork as directly as you did and use it as a real reference to make YOUR OWN pieces - your own ideas.

Eyes are pretty neat. Large, but neat. The anime genre uses many different styles and do use large eyes *cough* Key Company *cough*. Work on some shading and lighting on your next piece, or even on this one as an update.

Edit: and to the rest of you, what does acting obnoxious about something he's already acknowledged going to solve? Don't be dumb.
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Mar 8, 2018 at 06:19 AM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
It's clear that you did traced/copyied someone's art work, which is bad and if you did trace just tell the truth , I mean you can learn alot by coping other peoples art and then finaly when you know what and how things work in art, You can move on to finding your own style, atleast that's what I did when I started

Here are some tips that might help you:

Use the pen tool and free select/selection tools to draw clean and nice lines

Don't draw the whole head because I see that you wanted to mirror it but did not knew how to, and thats why you drew the whole head, next time duplicate the layer cut a half of it and flip it (thats how I mirror it pls dont kill me )

And finnaly please use templates, Templates make it easier to get the maping right

If you search toribash head templates on google you will find so many different types of templates which can help you.

Also please put the program you used in the op, because if It's gimp then I can help you alot.
Last edited by Clint; Mar 8, 2018 at 01:31 PM.
Originally Posted by Melodicity View Post
Are you high?

also, yes....
Originally Posted by Melodicity View Post
I know what the hell I did with my own damn work, I wouldn't be pissed off but you're being a damn idiot, the outlines overlap exactly on the same spots because i used it as a god damn reference, I didn't trace it, i had it on my other monitor, you could say i copied it, which i did, i didn't trace it, i looked at it and drew what was there. Don't call me out for shit I didn't do.

man, seriously... stop digging your grave, any decent artists here can tell you that you can not achieve that much accuracy without tracing... the centering, length of strokes, angles.... everything is accurate to the pixel that's not using a reference, that's carbon fucking copying or good old tracing.
When you use references it's normal that some distortion occur nevertheless when you paint with a damn mouse.


Check out what i am talking about

Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Edit: and to the rest of you, what does acting obnoxious about something he's already acknowledged going to solve? Don't be dumb.

He did not acknowledged everything and trying to take credit for shit he haven't done. this sneaky fucker thought none would have noticed he stole a flat from 5 years ago and re-purposed it (in a really bad way) to gain credit he do not deserve and still not fully admit what he has been doing.
This is plagiarism and I hate plagiarism.
Last edited by Chikin; Mar 8, 2018 at 02:57 PM.
Damn son, yeah, that's tracing alright. I knew it was close but didn't realize how precise it was. Yeah, Melodicity, you can't get out of that one. There's no excuse, that isn't referencing, that's plagiarism. That'll get you banned.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
even if this wasn't pathetically copied it would still be a shit unoriginal texture, but the fact that you couldn't even come up with something crap on your own is sad
i'm not one to comment on anime heads because of how generic and saturated they are on this community but since these was a lovely display of your character i'll make sure to let you know how you should probably stick to other things

art isn't your place, seeing as you can't create your own content to the smallest extent
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again