Originally Posted by
if a user registers a clan like H4ck without any malicious intent, then whats wrong with that? not like anyone owns the rights to a couple words after registering or joining a certain toribash clan.
I thought we strive to maintain the integrity of the rules, and the integrity of the forums. If we allow dupe clans to exist, I don't see misunderstandings concerning clan identity being any different from user impersonations.
Originally Posted by
it's also annoying telling someone to change their name when they aren't really breaking a rule. It's only an unwritten/unspoken rule they're breaking. If they really want to be "that guy" and create a clan with a very close name, so be it. If anything, it'll die on it's own.
I agree. We did not mean to harass said user, but Kane summarized it well:
Originally Posted by
lol..., just saw this,i dont get why it doesnt get handled like the other times.
There has been at least 2 flow clans from my knowledge and they where told to change the name immediatly or get shut down.
found only this one in a quick search:
To me it's disturbing that said rule has changed, and that clan leaders have not been informed of it. it opens up for cases such as this one, and will surely open up for other dubious clans where the intent on paper isn't exploit ppl into believing they are dealing with a esteemed part of the community instead of some scummy upstart trying to make a quick buck.
Originally Posted by
That's just like saying someone can't name themselves Foxie since I have the name Foxy. As long as it's not total impersonation.
This part here is why I think the rule against staff impersonations should be changed into impersonating another member of the community. If someone steps down from a staff position albeit recently, they lose all form of protection under the current rules. I thought once again we strive to maintain the integrity of the forums, but it seems that somehow this idea was lost along the way.
Under the current rules it seems like I would be allowed to create a clan called "midnight" (not a capital m), and a account named "Foxie", throw in some liliac signature, a anime picture with the name "Foxie" written in liliac and it'd be okay... Obviousely we cant "prove" that said user is impersonating you if they don't reffer to themselves as Foxy or try to do the usual link scams, but then opening a trade thread would under these interpretations be fine if I've understood the current situation correctly.
EDIT: (Clarification) At least to me, checking clan tag assures me that I am dealing with the correct person and not someone impersonating another member of the community. Under the current rules, it seems like this is no longer viable, and I can no longer at face value identify what clan a member is part of and such also get myself a rough estimation of their position within the community. Neither can I atface value accept a clan war if im into that stuff, all of a sudden I might be challenged by what I assumed was "Urban" but end up facing some shitty "urban" with yellow belts having me locked up the next 45 minutes into a meaningless war.
EDIT 2: also, I can no longer assume that the clan tag is not held by an impersonator, as the example with urban vs Urban above, the tag as such loses all meaning to me as I have to check to make sure anyhow. At that point due to the tag having lost all meaning,w e could just as well remove it since I'd have to loook up the memberlist at the forums, at which point the tag is just unnecessary.
Also, to my knowledge the account-names hampa, Hampa, h4mpa etc are protected, why wouldn't we stretch this to clans, especially when it's not like 0.00001 of the available words are occupied. There are literally (26+26+10)^4, aka 14776336 combinations available if we limit the clan name to 4 characters and at the face of it less than 1% is taken...
Last edited by Smogard49; Mar 13, 2018 at 10:08 AM.