Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Shiai tokens
I know this is a dumb question but I never participated in an Etourney but do I have to just participate to get a shiai token or do I have to win the whole tournament?
you can get shiai tokens by claiming your daily reward (claim it every day for a week and get one shiai token), alternatively in ETourneys hosted by the Event Squad, you can win shiai tokens by placing first or second.
You can also get shiai tokens in a EHotseat server, you just have to beat whoever is in the hotseat.
Hope this explained it
Nope...You only get them when you log in for a whole week straight
(you only get the shiai token on the last day)

P.S. It's only a steam thing if you didn't know
suck my dicknballs

Nah standalone can get daily reward too
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Ash4136 View Post said on the news page... nvm then

It was steam only at first, but the latest standalone version does have daily rewards.

Closing as the original question already was answered, Arkin20, if you still have any questions about this, feel free to pm me or to reopen this yourself.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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