Really a big fan of this. Asked about this today with other staff members and I'll definitely be seeing if it's possible and probable for nabi to make. Here's what I shared in terms of playability.
I know you nabi did it with the Wii, and the switch is a great deal more technologically advanced so new features can be added.
The switch has a capacitive screen for fine tuning, and I don't think it'd be too difficult to assign controls using the main control stick.
For mod making, you could use the multiple button choices for multiple choices. For instance, the right/left top triggers on the top of the switch could be used to switch through mod pages, the bottom ones could be used to decide the shape of the ovject being selected. The left d-pad buttons could be used for where the object would sit in the world along with the left control stick while selected, and the screen could be used for fine tuning where and how large an object would be, down to .01 of a unit.
When docked, it could bring up a number panel for small adjustments during object selection and you could use the joystick controls for navigation.
A,b,x,y buttons could be mapped for selection, deselection, freecam and toricam mode if needed, and fine adjustment mode, or other uses.
Moving Tori would also be possible, if you used the touch screen for joint selection, or mapped certain buttons for certain joint clusters. For instance, you could use the left trigger for a certain portion of the body, and the left joystick to pinpoint the specific joint. Then use the y button for extend/contract, and the x button for hold/ relax. B button could be deselection, and the using right trigger for the next joint clusters selection.
You also have use of the actual function of joystick having buttons as well, which is mappable. If you press down on the joystick, it acts as a button. This is mappable to different things, like text chat, or accessing the player list.
I feel like it's an ideal system to Target since it's still new, and relatively popular
What are your thoughts on this?
I was also made aware that using console for this would require separate servers, which may provide a problem