HTOTM Complains and Suggestions
K so, You might find me being rude and saying harsh stuff in this thread
but I feel like it has to be said, and please READ THE WHOLE ORIGINAL POST BEFORE YOU REPLY TO IT
you will think that I am just being a dick because I didn't win the HTOTM but that isn't why I am making this thread
so Staff voting on HTOTM feels a bit rigged since a lot of the artist can be really close friends with staff members and there's no proof which says that you can trust the staff members, and Plus like more than half of them have Zero knowledge about art never did art in their entire life and now they are judging other people's art just doesn't feel right
I honestly feel that chab deserved the 1st place but at the same time his idea wasn't unique or anything he just drew another anime girl wearing a futuristic space helmet while Hagan's idea actually seemed unique
(sorry chab m8 but it just had to be said)
and in the HTOTM Christmas
Chab won because he drew another anime girl but was an elve, simply an anime elve girl
and the style didn't feel right it was not appealing at all and he called it a toymaker
so "look oh he called it a toy maker so it is completely not related to all the other elves it's a unique idea and lets 100% vote for it" ~staff members
Then if you staff member really wanted a not original idea to win you could have voted for ASTRA because his style was much more appealing he had style it looked awesome he did really nice shading and actually spent time on it.
and if you staff members knew anything about art and actually followed the judging rules you would have voted for Ezeth since his idea was completely different had a story the execution was great the head itself looked really cool.
Another thing is that when someone wins the HTOTM the EventSquad member just posts the winners and only says congratz
like seriously maybe commenting on the head and actually telling us why a guy won and what was so special about the head will actually make sense
Also please get someone from ES who actually is active rather than someone who makes an Event and just goes afk and never answers the people never gives any updates and just comes back when the month ends, posts the winners and closes the thread(Rihanna aka Swosh)
Blur actually did well when he hosted the HTOTM he did everything that a good Event Squad member would do.
I am simply saying that I have so many doubts about staff members and that the won't rig, I have no reason to trust them
so maybe some actual good artists like the legendary artists or maybe just normal artist those who actually have knowledge about art judging the art would make a lot more sense.
Or maybe just open a poll and let the community vote and give us a deadline when the poll will end.
Sorry if you found some stuff harsh
you guys have all the rights to defend your selves.
Last edited by Clint; Apr 9, 2018 at 04:18 PM.