Original Post
Weird Things I Do When Making Replays
^ (im gonna format everything sh)

so i came to realize that i do some things normal replaymakers probably dont do. heres some of them

1. i use freecam, and a combination of z, x, clicking, and the scroll wheel.

2. i lp 0 asdf a lot because i like making replays with the default tori

3. i dont give my replays actual names. “I do that too!” i hear you say, but my replay names consist of whhtwzsw135.rpl or aaaaa2.rpl while i do them so i can never find a replay im looking for

4. people think that i dm myself on purpose.......lets keep it that way

5. i use a random number generator to make openers a lot. basically i save a replay on frame 0, generate a bunch of numbers and change the corresponding numbers in JOINT 0;

tell me the things you do while replaymaking/playing toribash
tsu tsu cuckoo
I also name my replays like that.

I never spend longer than 20 minutes on an opener.

Also no matter what if I see a cool move I won’t press r and check to see if there are any mistakes before I do it. That screws me over a lot
I only use shift+p never spacebar

I gotta have some music in the background

I have several versions of the same replay at any given time so I can start and stop at different points to make new replays. And because I'm lazy
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by Tsuion View Post

3. i dont give my replays actual names. “I do that too!” i hear you say, but my replay names consist of whhtwzsw135.rpl or aaaaa2.rpl while i do them so i can never find a replay im looking for

I do this as well. Though they're more along the lines of 'fuck' or 'almost' or 'maybe', unlike the common 'wip1' or 'wip - insertreplaytitlehere'.

I also save multiple versions of the same replay but with minor variations (all wips). Reasons for doing this is if the wip I was working on doesn't work out I can backtrack to a different version. I think I had maybe 10+ versions of a certain record wip. all saved, all with nonsense titles (see: above titles)
Last edited by Rfifan; Apr 24, 2018 at 05:06 AM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
1. Name a WIP as if its a finished replay
2. Name is such as, Dragon Cry, The Tigers Moan or some shit like that.
3. Turnframes 5 is the best for me. For no reason i dislike the default turnframes and i'm too lazy to shift space.
4. Spending hours only on the opener
5. If you can't finish a replay, just skeet it.
6. One boom = Replay.
1. If i think that the opener is dope, even if it's not i still continue it and won't bother changing it
2. I never think through on what i want to do for that replay, just improvise it.
3. I have same naming sense for wip replay as rfifan
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
1. Set turn frames to 1, but yet always use shift+space instead of space.
2. Save replay practically every 20 frames; will start off with a.rpl, and end up with aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.rpl
3. Never finish a replay
1. had a lots of awesome mp replays that i couldn't save cuz ppl rage quitted

then started saving replays like"kadjf aölfj" saving them like every frame, sometimes
even add another letter

2. using x and c and b, plus the rollthingy on the mouse to make my moves as fast as possible

3. using right mouse button, and right mousebutton + shift to change viewment

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
I am guilty of quite a few things already listed in the thread, e. g. I've tried to organize my replay names into wip[numbers] format multiple times, but in the end eventually forget and have sssddssd5565.rpl instead

I too never use spacebar, but sometimes I double tap p to skip more frames

There's been a few times when I hacked my way through accidental uke touching instead of redoing the replay

Gotta add that ORMO[Parrot] in front of the name if I can remember to do it