Original Post
5.23 beta May 4th update (Steam, all platforms)
How to get the update:
In your Steam games library, right-click Toribash, select properties, navigate to betas tab and select "beta" branch.

Updates in this build:

  • libcurl update
  • Ingame inventory (TC icon in top bar -> Inventory)
  • Various bugfixes


Currently disabled:

  • Atmospheres button (Tools section)
  • Discover button (Mods section)
  • Comeback Practice button (Practice section)
  • No way to access Flame Forger and certain other misc tools
  • Only English language (will post translation details later)

Known Bugs:

  • Any old running script will get terminated once you open main menu
  • While viewing Home tab, events section will be displayed on top of other scripts that use toriui/uielement.lua manager (this includes clans ui, tc purchase screen and other recently added scripts)
  • TC/ST won't update properly if you log into another account (requires game restart)
  • Going to multiplayer will most likely mess up your TC/ST/clan display in top bar

Users who find and report any new bugs will be rewarded with 10k. Please make sure you describe it properly and attach a screenshot.
Suggestions and ideas are welcome!
omg this is amazing i love everyone who is working on this
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Do I get 10k for the glitch we talked about in discord yesterday? Or does it not count since the beta hadn't been released yet?

I dunno if even counts as a glitch, but when you try to run the script "main_menu.lua", the screen won't unblur and the menu won't go to anything. Using the script unloader doesn't change it, either. Ironically, running the script again after using the unloader does unblur it.
<TitanFlux>I cannot keep my hands on at ALL lmao
<Somedrunk>Sounds like you need a more hands on aproch
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
Do I get 10k for the glitch we talked about in discord yesterday? Or does it not count since the beta hadn't been released yet?


Originally Posted by TitanFlux View Post
I dunno if even counts as a glitch, but when you try to run the script "main_menu.lua", the screen won't unblur and the menu won't go to anything. Using the script unloader doesn't change it, either. Ironically, running the script again after using the unloader does unblur it.

You're not supposed to load it with /loadscript.
lol i figured as much

Anyway, bumping this to say I found a legit glitch this time. When closing out of the "Space Shiai Items" menu that first appears when loading the game, for some reason, the game thinks the buttons to go to the ST exchange page are still there. I sometimes click where the buttons would be, and it brings me to the page.
<TitanFlux>I cannot keep my hands on at ALL lmao
<Somedrunk>Sounds like you need a more hands on aproch
Hi there is a little bug with the rank.(the screen were taken after my qualifing)
"Gâle, peste, gengraine, trainent à l'entrée de son utérus,
C'est plus risqué de la ken que de jouer à la roulette russe..
Fuyez, elle a les lèvres déchirées qui moussent comme la Heineken,
Ya des tentacules qui pendent, c'est plus une chatte, c'est un Kraken.."
Click on the Toricredits and then you get to choose "Open Torishop" or "Open Inventory",
both are glitchy if not broken at all.

Practice > Comeback Practice isn't working.

Opening Advanced moves then pressing Esc then clicking on Fight Uke, made the screen blurry but allowed me to control Tori and Uke.

Mods > Discover isn't working.

Tools > Atmospheres isn't working.

Fighting Uke sometimes switches between mods. I don't know if this is supposed to be like this or if it is a glitch, but seems to be happening when I click on Free play, then go back to Home and choose Fight Uke.
Last edited by Pure; May 21, 2018 at 05:28 PM. Reason: I'm DUMB
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