Application [M]
G'day [M] as you all may know, my in game name is Triggrz and i'm looking for a clan that is active and cool and fun to be around, i feel as if this could be the one for me. I'm currently living in Australia, and i'm 18 years old, i don't do too much outside of Toribash besides from work and gym, but besides from that, if i'm not out at work or the gym, i'm certainly on Toribash, so my in game activity is very high, also on forums even though i don't post very often, i'm always lurking around somewhere, it would be a great honour to be part of this clan so i can contribute whatever i can to this clan such as support, great skill (Room for improvement), and anything that is necessary to learn during the time being part of this clan. As you all may know, my last recent clan was Evil, Why did you leave? well... i left Evil mainly because it wasn't active enough in game (Personal opinion) and i got a bit bored of it to be honest, but this time i am hoping to join a clan that is cool and social both in game and on forums. I do have a talent i believe that i would love to pursue and that would be writing songs, i've been writing for a very long time ever since i was about 10 and it's definitely something i love to do, it's more of a hobby for me, but is certainly something that i love over anything i do
Thanks for reading my application, much appreciated