Market Squad Default Usertitle
Good day fellow artists :)
Market Squad would like to get rid of the current Market Squad Usertitle. It's not bad, but a bit outdated. If you forgot how it looks like, take a glance at my UT.
We're looking for a green Usertitle picture, preferably something that matches the dark green name. Max size is 150x40, although 150x30 is preferred. Additionally, we'd like you to include a Squid.
Tell us if you're working on it and post WIPs in this thread. Our budget is up to 100k.
No art style given, do whatever you prefer.
To sum it up: only requirements are
green and not bigger than
150x40. Something with a
squid is preferred.
100k Budget.
Last edited by Krong; Jul 2, 2018 at 10:03 AM.