Artist: Vitiek
Prev. Owner: Diamond (I think)
Size: 512 x 512
Recolor: No
Price: Looking for around 700k-1.5kk
Think the price is crazy high? Cool. Bye.
what is the highest offer you got and from who? proof would be great so i know how much i should offer. and if you have discord, it would be easier talking there.
I've had an in game offer of 700k from Praet0r I think was his name but I don't have ss. Anything lower than 700k will make me think you're trynna be funny and I will ask you to stop commenting on this thread. This is the last warning.
I've had an in game offer of 700k from Praet0r I think was his name but I don't have ss. Anything lower than 700k will make me think you're trynna be funny and I will ask you to stop commenting on this thread. This is the last warning.