I think i have found one. Though i don't know if it qualifies as a bug. As far as i understand every text box doesn't have a character limit, which leads to crashes and freezes after a few lines of text. I have tested with the search text box and tag input box.
Another one is there is no recognition on already downloaded replays and you can press "download" multiple times on the same replay and add to the "downloads" count, although it doesn't create new files in the replay folder.
When the game drops frames for a sec it basically types out 1 letter a lot, which would probably make the freezing thing worse leading into a spiral that leads to a crash.
(also adding space and hitting "enter" makes the text jump in a weird way as shown in the next screenshot)
Also when you type certain symbols it adds \.
(1st line every possible symbol on my keyboard; 2nd line all the symbols but +shift key (note some didn't change); 3rd line numeric keyboard)
While uploading.
Trying to mess with the tag system i did the following:
In this case after the sentence left the (tag) box the window didn't follow the text and showed the first inputted words and it showed "..." and i couldn't see what i was writing anymore.
After submitting:
In this case you weren't able to scroll and see the whole description and the tags were completely gone. Because i didn't want to spam the server i didn't do any other tests trying to see what caused the tags not to show up.
Last edited by Jack; Sep 1, 2018 at 08:55 PM.