Spart was very lonely, he was streaking public realtoriboxingmw2 while talking to his friend DomCruz on a daily basis, but one day a boy named HamFisted joined and was impressed by the amount of time he wasted his life on this game so he asked him to train him, a few weeks later Alfiew2212 joined with his friend xephy and met HamFisted, Ham told Alf everything about Spart and Alf set out to find this mystical player. Alf finally found Spart when he was celebrating his birthday by getting destroyed by some random noob. And from there Spart, Alf, and Ham became friends and made a Toribash Boxing discord where they chat each other everyday and grew closer together. Arunesh31 and Spart found each other in a packed aikido lobby whilst Spart was desperately trying to get TC and they reminisced about the good times they had in their old clan, Arunesh31 (or Arty) then became their Discord group's main artist that they go to for requests. Some time passed and they wanted to thank realtoriboxingmw2 for this great friendship by further increasing it's community, Technique was made.
Our main goal is to create a larger and closer community for realtoriboxingmw2
10 Members [✔]
20 members [✔]
10,000 in bank [ ]
50,000 in bank [ ]
100,000 in bank [ ]
1.) Follow each mod's community rule (i.e No kicks, no backhands, etc.)
2.) Respect your leaders, fellow clan mates, and other people in general.
3.) Be active, forum or game-wise. No more than 1-2 months of inactivity without telling the leaders where you've been.
4.) No toxicity, this includes but not exclusive to; begging for tc, spamming in-game or on the forums, rage quitting.
5.) Please do not disgrace the clan by throwing matches, spectating when or before losing, or have constant losing streaks.