Original Post
[About] Liquor

I am amazed myself.

Back in late March, a legacy that was the old Liquor died. Tri and Kaito and everyone did all they could but to no avail, nothing could be done.

When Liquor died back then, I did not say a word, I did not feel as though I could. I was just a drunken old "Blue Waffle" with my buddies JDawg and everyone else. I was just a regular old fuck in this place.

This place is not just our clan, we somehow stick together. We look out for each other, chat with each other, help when things are needed, and just have good bonds. Hell, without some of you, this would not have even started.

I reached out to two of my friends during the middle of Clan league, Donut, and Grrreatest. Donut was a member of Liquor previously, but went to Obey and found a good family with them(Obey is a great clan and deserving of many awards, I do not care what you say, they were my family and always will be a part of this history). Grrreatest was a friend I made when I went to Adventure, and now we are ES Trials together!

I spoke to Donut one day and the idea of doing something came up. We said jokingly,

"We should bring back Liquor!"

We may have joked about it, but it stuck to me. I was wondering how in the world I could do it, as I was just a normal player in a clan of greats. I started by reaching out to people I knew would be interested. Between Kaito in Aeon, Grrr in Adventure, Donut in Obey, Pixelate who was clanless since 2015, and a few others, the project went underway.

I did what I could throughout, and with the help of some ex-members, we got our thread and recruitment thread together.

We recruited amazing members, such as Jaxon and Lisa and Sora, who each contribute GREATLY to their areas of experience. As well as Crow, who has been our dominant ace in the warring/in-game side of the game. We have older members who were once in the clan, back and aiding wherever they can. And we have two, in my opinion, legendary artists in Pixelate and Kaito. We have a good mix of replay makers, such as our little sSLight.

The remainder of the old, being Pure, Dick, Rawrneru(Killapone) and Draku, and the beginnings of the new, consisting of Theory and Alguix, we have come back from the dead.

Now, not even three weeks later, we got our board back and are continuing to grow and become one of the greats. We have our history, and we intend to create so much more.

We are back to our drunken brawls, our celebrating day in and day out, and we are not alone. We got each other beside us, and we are here to stay.

Welcome home, Liquor.

-New Leader:

Last edited by Kaito; Apr 14, 2019 at 01:44 PM.


Legendary Drunker Story

One evening, an alcoholic roamed the streets.
His life had never played out the way he wanted. 
People told him he would never be successful, told him he would worthless as long as he kept drinking. 
But he never listened, even with interventions he drank until it nearly killed him. 

He fell into a coma for 5 months, eventually waking up one night and being told what had happened by the nurse.
He thought about his life, his drinking, and everyone that had been cruel to him. 
At that moment, he decided that he wasn’t going to stop drinking, but he would stop being selfish. 
That night, he visited a bar filled with friends and family. They turned to him, shocked he would go to a bar after waking up from an alcohol-induced coma.
He climbed atop a table and announced;
"Today is the day.”
"Today is the day that I didn't just realize I was wrong, but that you were all wrong..." 
He looked around at a room silenced by his words, and cleared his throat;
"I spent all my money, and poured my heart and soul into a clan, and named it Liquor... I named it after something that blinded me..." 
“I made it so that I can share something I love with everyone, even if it kills me.”

And then he collapsed. To this day, he is known as a true drunk, and a great man.
For years his clan dominated, taking out anyone that stood in their way. 
As people heard his story, many were inspired to join, and his legacy lives on, even today.
We. Are. Drunk.

Our Drunk Journey

The clan was initially founded by Festus and his group in 2011.

1st Generation
The clan was led by Festus and his friend when it initially passed the test and became official.
At the time, the clan had a different name. It was called Drunken Masters, and its tag was [DM]
Eventually, the clan split into [l] and [Kz], which is now known as [Obey] (thanks Joboman!).

2nd Generation
With the 1st generation gone, DarkDranz and his evil twin Tricerafi took control, starting the 2nd generation of Liquor.
During this time they invited Raiken, Kaito and kakajade.
At this point, the clan was only named “l”, not “Liquor”. Kaito suggested that the name be changed, and, when met with denial, left the clan angrily.
DD and Trice gave in and the clan was renamed, and Kaito was re-invited.

3rd Generation
After the 2nd generation leaders left, Kaito become the leader.
Raiken served as co-leader, and kakajade as clan-moderator.

4th Generation
The clan and family we once were has come and gone. 
All has been removed and refurbished, with Frost leading the charge into a new era of Liquor. 
With the help of his friends, we will return better than ever.

Bar Policies

+Be matureGet drunk
+Be polite5 members
+Be yourself10 members
+Have confidence25 members
+Always thank those that help you25k in bank
+Don’t be an idiot50k in bank
+Apologize if you make a mistake100k in bank
+Most importantly, enjoy yourself and get DRUNK!Regain official status


Feel free to join our Discord channel by clicking the picture or this button. You’ll be redirected to our bar lounge room. See ya there!

Ranks Descriptions

RanksForum (a) and Discord (b) Roles
Landlord(a) This role is given to the leader of the clan and has the absolute power over the clan. In charge of the executive decisions, gives final decisions on where the clan goes; any recruitment or events are done by the one given this rank.
-(b) Has complete power in the channels, can @everyone, decide roles, and create/delete anything in the channel.
Manager(a) This role is given to the co-leader of the clan and takes the role of leader when the LandLord is absent. Any decisions are passed through this role and have almost equal power to the Landlord.
-(b) Has complete power in the channels, can @everyone, decide roles, and create/delete anything in the channel.
Bouncer(a) This role is given to the clan moderator. He is to act as the leader if BOTH the Manager and LandLord are absent. The one with this role is to act as a voice to the clan and NOT do things without proper discussion with the Managers+.
-(b) Has some power in the channels, as well as some over players.
Barista(a) This role is given to the aid to the Bouncer. Reports to the Bouncer+ on ideas and incidents and concerns created by the Drunkards.
-(b) No Power given.
War Monger(a) This role is given to the War Leader. The role is to lead the clan wars valiantly and actively.
-(b) No Power given.
Drunkards(a) This role is given to the Members. This role is to all who hold the [l] tag.
-(b) No Power given.
Trial(a) This role is given to the trial drunkards. All those who are first accepted must go through this rank.
-(b) No Power given.

Clan Staff

Present Staff
FrostLandlordRevival - Present
DonutManagerRevival - Present
TriceBouncerJan 2, 2019 - Present
SoraBaristaNov 28, 2018 - Present
MummykingBaristaJan 19, 2019 - Present
Past Staff
KaitoBouncerRevival - Jan 2, 2019
GrrreatestManagerRevival - Nov 29, 2018
JaxonBaristaRevival - Nov 27, 2018

Texture Maker


Replay Maker

sSLightUkebash, Sparring
rawrneruSparring, Ukebash, Parkour, Tricking
DarkDranzSparring, Ukebash, Parkour
KaitoUkebash, Randomness

Video Maker

rawrneruOur current active video maker. Also he is a streamer!

Clan Wars

War Monger
SoraThe legendary trouble maker ??
ZachLoves to kick your butt
MummykingUndead warrior
BlinkPraise me nyaan~
NeonPinkMei's gate guardian
Ace of the Month
ZachNov, 2018 - Jan, 2019
AurarianJan, 2019 - Present


United States of AmericaGMT
United KingdomGMT

Template & Art by Kaito
Grammar Correction by Jaxon
Story by jdawg2001

Copyright @ 2019
Last edited by Kaito; Mar 2, 2019 at 01:39 AM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight

Monthly Member Massacre

Every month I will be holding a tournament for clanmates only and those who wish to join!

Event ThemeBracketDate
Ingame Endurance MonthChallongeOct 5, 2018 until ???
Chess MonthChallongeSep 26, 2018 until ???
Last edited by Kaito; Dec 1, 2018 at 10:39 AM.

Member Gallery


Last edited by Kaito; Dec 2, 2018 at 04:36 AM.

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor