Christmas Lottery
Original Post
What is the worst emotion
Got a lot on my mind,
What do y'all think the worst emotion is?
And why?

I feel based on personal experience/opinion,
Regret is the worst feeling,
It is 80% of the reasoning behind sadness,
It's easy to overthink what we regret
And make a feeling worse and worse,
Thinking of every little moment
That could've changed how things happen,
You don't realize at the time
How much the decisions you're making
Are effecting you,
Until you see the final outcome,
Then the regret sets in.
regret allows you to learn from your mistakes, it's actually quite a useful emotion, as opposed to anger, which has caused me nothing but trouble.
if you do something stupid and regret it, chances are you won't do it again, right?
Originally Posted by McFarbo View Post
regret allows you to learn from your mistakes, it's actually quite a useful emotion, as opposed to anger, which has caused me nothing but trouble.
if you do something stupid and regret it, chances are you won't do it again, right?

Very useful, but only so useful because of how terrible it feels.
I always feel scared of happiness. If it is just a normal amount of happiness that fear won't surface, but when if i got a lot of happiness the fear of losing it and the crushing hope makes me to not taking everything for granted and more skeptical toward good thing.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you