I think the grab was a bit unstylish and you only dismembered the pec and shoulder. But, for someone who has played less than 200 games, it's a good effort. I like the fact that you're already trying relax kicks! Keep practicing relax style, and you will be a master someday.

Looking forward to your future boom kicks and uber madmans ;p
[A L P H A]
not really ready yet, as schec already said. single kicks should emphasize on style more than single strikes of a combo. this means that the dismemberments need to be some of the best ones, a.k.a. decaps, splits or shatterhits of the chest region or more than one limb. Also the clutching of uke and then falling before the strike really wasn't stylish.

Not bad for a first, but needs work.
I refuse to grab.
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