Original Post
joint select tooltip stays after being fspec

so basically i was holding my mouse over my lumbar and got fspec'd and the tooltip for joint states stayed and followed my mouse even though i wasn't playing.

Why is this a thing?

EDIT: grr, imgur link stopped working and i copied the ss from snipping tool. I'll upload an ss when this happens again

EDIT2: updated the link
Last edited by lily; Jan 31, 2019 at 11:22 PM. Reason: spellcheck
Strange, can't replicate it here.
Here's what I did to catch it first time: join a mp room, have another player to join so that the fight starts, then spec / fspec myself or opponent. Missing some steps here?

You can also check line 72 in data/script/system/tooltip_manager.lua file, it should be this:
lua code:
if (ws.replay_mode == 1 or ws.match_frame ~= frame or TB_MENU_MAIN_ISOPEN == 1 or ws.selected_player < 0) then

If it's different, verify game cache.