Nikootso, the part where you needed to say stuff about your personal life is purely based on that
specific clan requirements, you are not obliged to mention it all in any way.
In terms of creating your clan, you are just to follow minimum requirements as stated previously.
What your thread should contain to pass as "valid" have already been mentioned by Tabby:
1. Your clan goals - what does your clan hope to achieve
2. Your clan purpose - do you play official mods, create replays, or something else?
3. Your clan roster (optional)
4. A clan banks name if you are using one
If you see these minimal requirements, you'll notice that this is not at all pointless or "freaky".
This is made so a certain sense of quality is preserved within the Clan board.
So in reality, your thread can, for example, look like this (you can format it any way you want):
WU TANG clan has been created by a team or professional fighters who strive to improve at official mods, we also create replays in parkour mods. The clan only accepts black belts and above as we strive to only recruit professional fighters within our rank. Our best mods are lenshu, aikidobigdojo and boxshu, and we strive to improve at those mods.
Our clans' goals are:
1. To reach rank 1
2. To become a legendary clan
3. To reach 100k in our bank
Our banks name is "WUTANGCLAN".
Our recruitment page if you want to apply is *link here*
Hope you don't find this too serious as a thread like that can certainly pass requirements. What put you of is more than likely how other people create their clan threads - they make great logos and put a whole lot of information, however, you are
not obliged to do anything more than what you're asked for, it's up to you if you wanna polish it or not.
Have fun dude
this is an excellent post, thanks ~t
Last edited by tabby; Feb 3, 2019 at 12:35 PM.