Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
The Vikings are need YOU!

Are you brave and bold enough? Do you want to win and prove to everyone that you are the best? Ready to pursue the goal of your people? Then we need you! Tell us who you are and why you are worthy to be with us.

What must be in your application!
- Your age
- Your belt
- How often do you play
- What's your favourite mod
- Some words about yourself
- How usefull can you be

You need to be active both in-game and in the forum!
Last edited by Ragnar_old1; Feb 7, 2019 at 12:56 PM.
Your age-16
- Your belt-5th dan almost 6th
- How often do you play-Almost everyday
- What's your favorite mod-Abd/Mushu
- Some words about yourself- Am a student sitting my exams later this year Other then that not much interesting about me
- How useful can you be-I can be Decently useful depending on the Mod, Mainly Just ABD but I have some knowledge of other mods

Thanks for reading
Yo, I'm MoldyRobot. I'm 21, and I also a Custom Belt. I play every other day or so. I play boxshu and ABD mostly. I used to be a war player back over a year ago, but my skills have decayed, so if I get back in form, I can win wars by myself. I also was featured in ConCon's top 5 fights of the week a while back: . I also picked the Vikings in For Honor.

I also love sparring, so I can help make montages.