Item stereotypes
I've realized that sometimes a persons play style or personality is carried by their item. Here are some examples:
This is pretty much the gibus of toribash. No, i'm not saying all people who wear this are new, but most people who wear it religiously are usually new players. If a more experienced player wanted a mohawk they would most likely get the spiky hair. Unless you like the mohawk ITEM. Also sometimes this gets paired with the poker hat but that's a whole other stereotype.
Santa Beard
You would think that this item would be paired with the Santa Hat a lot, because, you know, people want a Santa set. But this item is usually used by its lonesome. Which, I guess is understandable. I mean it is a good looking beard, unless you have enough TC to buy the Sifu Beard.
128X128 Head Texture
Again, new player. People who have this item either are new, can't afford a better size, or is a memelord whose head is most likely some weird shit.
Kiai Sound
This is by far the most spread out stereotype in toribash. Even though most people use this seriously, there are still a lot of people who put weird shit into their kiai. Sometimes their kiai is quiet as hell, and other times it makes your speakers explode.
That's all I could think of for now. Any ideas?