Your edit has a super nice flow , i really liked it but i gotta mention it has some issues - in my opinion the pan-crop isn't good (I'm not a SV editor so i can't really say how to improve it , i think there are some videos on YT that has pancrop Tut but if there's not , you can easily ask other editors in discord channel's such as OCC's , T3C's n shit you feel me. also i gotta mention that the transitions you have made in some moments they're just ruining the whole edit such as the thing you did with the splinting 2 clips at 0:22 , it's looks pretty bad and the last thing it's the scope its looks pretty bad - i don't really know how to explain it in words how to make it better or any other thing , i just think that its not really with the flow of the edit , its only have the opacity key frames and at 0:27 its look pretty nice but it would be more awesome if would scale it back so it could be look like he actually scoped him or whatever it means.
I wish you understood me from what i tried to say but the edit looks pretty dope - i liked it just work on some little things i have mentioned and you will be way better , goodluck with your future edits