Original Post
What was the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I once got shot twice in the testicle with a BB gun
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Trama induced pancreatitis, other than that I've just had some minor breaks but those were all very long ago

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Originally Posted by Rifle View Post
I once got shot twice in the testicle with a BB gun

what where you trying to achieve? lmfao

i was hit by an old pickup truck when i was 8 y.. i won two huge scars on my left leg, one on my ankle and another on my knee.

it wasn't really the most painful injury but it made me quit my junior football and basketball career r.i.p
cracked my forearm by jumping off a tree house

5 inch scrape on shin from longboarding, stung like a bitch
Last edited by Berzerk; May 7, 2019 at 08:04 PM.
Either when a boiling kettle was knocked over onto me and pretty much melted the skin on my legs, spent weeks in hospital having the blisters covering my legs drained.

or when I had my appendices taken out and a few weeks after went biking but fell off a ramp, landed on the handles right on the part I didn't want it to and it ripped my stitches.

i don’t think mine is nearly as painful as y’alls but i once had a brick thrown at my head when i was like 6. good thing my hair covers the scars cause they’re fuckin huge.
Broke a knee in half & 180'd the lower half of my leg in the process (literal sideways 180, heel of my foot was under my chin); probably the most painful single injury - as well as the one that's had the most negative effect on day to day life since. RIP sport... and walking correctly.

Managing to destroy a shoulder's rotator cuff was also pretty special, if you like reoccurring injuries that get worse every time you aggravate them.

TBH I rate both as worse than the multiple skull fractures from sports, or manaing to break 4 knuckles on each hand fighting.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Actually I remember when I was 3 I was running around with some other kids, not looking where I was going. I went full speed into a metal pole and had a huge ass cut the in the middle of my forehead. It was open pretty wide and I bleeding everywhere. Had to get a crap ton of stitches.
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Broke a knee in half & 180'd the lower half of my leg in the process (literal sideways 180, heel of my foot was under my chin); probably the most painful single injury - as well as the one that's had the most negative effect on day to day life since. RIP sport... and walking correctly.

Managing to destroy a shoulder's rotator cuff was also pretty special, if you like reoccurring injuries that get worse every time you aggravate them.

TBH I rate both as worse than the multiple skull fractures from sports, or manaing to break 4 knuckles on each hand fighting.

every little thing mentioned in this entire post is a fucking nightmare and it makes me realize that ive never been seriously hurt. i think i nearly broke my right middle finger once and my big toe too. the finger was while i hopped around my empty classroom at age 12 like a fucking idiot. went to the hospital the next day and needed a cast. the toe was while i played football (soccer) and kicked a wall full force, i was like 15 then. that was a lot better, just couldnt walk properly for a couple of days then i was fine, didnt go to the hospital or anything

got kicked in the balls when i was 7

ill try to think of something else but i really think thats it
Last edited by Arctic; May 8, 2019 at 09:14 AM.
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???