Original Post
Mapping troubles
Ello bois. Any of you have tips for mapping? Is it just trial and error? Specially when we add joints to the mix.

ps: I don't have access to mudbox. Blender on the other hand...
Hugs by Trigestigro
when i started, i made mapping a high priority and for this i made dummy textures for each individual piece. with trial and error figuring out the shape of the joint on my texture. basically i used the texture template and made colored strokes where i thought it might hit the joint.
Then i took a look ingame and afterwards adjusted it.

later i just took parts of older sets i made as reference to see. then also trial and error to fit it my needs.

hope this helps^^
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this might be a bit excessive, but maybe this also helps
This is my way of doing torsos or any part where the sides are important.
I love sets with details on the sides but know how much of a struggle they usually are.



0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Not excessive at all and I very much appreciate. The part I have the most dout so far is the torso and that pretty much cover this dout I guess :3
Hugs by Trigestigro