Original Post
Need Help with Options
For some reason it won't let me change the shaders in the options menu, I go to shaders type 1 hit enter and it doesn't save.

So, the graphics arent very fun haha...

I was wondering if anybody knew how to fix this so i can get shaders in?
If it changes itself back to 0, your computer most likely can't handle shaders at all.
<+veb> dude___________________._____________________<hampa> the hosting center decided to raise the price
<+veb> I am to durnk to pu6t in the wriute commmand lol ___<hampa> and we only run irc on this machine which is a bit of a waste
<+veb> and u suxc u cant od it gfro me ______|______._____<Lapsus> How much power is behind the IRC server?
<+veb> ;oml?________________________________________<hampa> it is like delivering pizza using an airplane
Indeed. There's a thread in the FAQ dedicated to shaders & what you need to get them running. You'll find the minimum graphics requirements for them in there.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you