Original Post
Linux users, answer here!

I'm playing toribash on linux (Ubuntu Hardy 8.04) and I was wondering what is the best screen recorder to make toribash videos? I've tried to search them and tried some of them (recordmydesktop, istanbul).
If you know a good software for recording vids, please tell me!

Thanks in advance!

I tried Fraps with Wine, but it didn't work... And I can't record on VirtualMachine 'coz it lags too much.
More ideas?

Remember that I'm using LINUX (Ubuntu Hardy 8.04) so all windows software ARE NOT working!
Go go self quote!

Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post


Capturing's not the easiest thing to do on Linux, as it means capturing the raw data, then transcoding it to a video file.

I used GLC when I did my last Linux based Torivideo, the quality was ace, but the constant file converting means it takes at least twice as long to make a video.

Video editing is best with Cinerella on Linux, but it only handles Quicktime .MOV files. It's also pretty complicated, but as powerful as Vegas.

GLC has instructions on the site for installing on Ubuntu.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you