Original Post


1000 years ago, a normal toribashian child was walking through the forest near his village. As he got closer to his favourite swimming spot, he noticed that the water was looking a little red. When he finally reached the water, he noticed a body floating upside down. After he rolled it over, he realised it was his DAD!!! He then heard a twig snap behind him, and as he looked around he saw a glimpse of a plank weilding toribashian, before being smacked around the head, knocking him out cold. When he woke up, the attacker had fled. For 20 years he searched for the killer of his father, gathering followers along the way. He called this group SPAZ.

Fezch (leader)


(Going to find out if they are still in the clan)

Aim Of Our Clan
To become the strongest and most known clan on Toribash

Rules Of Signup
1. We don't accept random people.
2. People will be tested before signup, as we do not want people to leave as soon as they get in.
3. All members will be expected to keep in touch. (email, PMs, IM)

Organising Times
All clan members should be on the lookout for rooms called SPAZ whenever they login to the game. Otherwise, we will meet on a certain day (ie Saturday) which I have yet to decide.

At the moment, we are close to 30,000tc. We need 4,000tc more to make this clan official, so any donations by clan members would be really Helpfull.

That is it for now, I will Add more when I need to.

Last edited by Fezch; Dec 18, 2008 at 11:42 PM. Reason: New Member
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Good point, i have removed the fee. Still, Any donations would be helpfull.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Added story and aim, thanks.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
We are still only at 20,000 tc. If anyone is reading this that is in our clan, a donation would be awesome.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
We are now Very, very close to the 30k we need. Any SPAZ members out there viewing this message, WE NEED TC!!!

TC at the moment:26,300
TC Needed:3,700
Last edited by Fezch; Dec 14, 2008 at 11:08 PM. Reason: Update
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD