Original Post
obese guy & mech mods
obese- a mod with health clinic escapees. mech- a mod with walkers that look like chickens. animal- stand on four legs. comments, questions?

P.S. these two mods took about four hours each.

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my xbl gamertag is irkish sloth
gamer/mod maker/annoyance
Re: obese guy & mech mods
Casey, could you type up the rest of the instructions, please? I forgot them, and you weren't clear.
Re: obese guy & mech mods
ahahaha mech mod gotta be my new favorite, awesome!
guess it will take a while to learn how to control them fully, here's my first n00bish attempt:

oh, chitoryu, please look inside this sticky

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Re: obese guy & mech mods
Ok chitoryu, to start a mod click the link, save as "all files" to the mod folder, create a shortcut of toribash, right click the shortcut, properties, click the end of the box labeled target, and add"<space><mods name>.tbm" click ok, double click shortcut.

Oh, here's a knives mod I made
Attached Files
knives.tbm (314 Bytes, 79 views)
my xbl gamertag is irkish sloth
gamer/mod maker/annoyance
Re: obese guy & mech mods
ha ha ha, you can't be too jerky with mech mod nokturnal.
my xbl gamertag is irkish sloth
gamer/mod maker/annoyance
Re: obese guy & mech mods
Stop spamming
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick