Original Post
My whole album (feat. BROJOB, Shokran and others)
Hey, how's going? Today I want to share our new LP album. Our texts and music are based on Warhammer 40k lore and how we see it. Check it out, give me your opinion on it, I welcome you.
It's wonderful absolutely in everything, the sound is excellent and the lyrics are good. Album saves good impression even after a few hours of listening. Keep it up Hug <3
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
Не любитель металла и не играл в ворхаммер, но послушал пару треков и могу сказать что звук довольно качественный (панорама четкая и инструменты офигенно сведены) и обложка крутая. Увожаю людей, которые так к творчеству относятся.
[HACK] [Replayz]

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Cпасибо, бродяга, лайк поставил?

It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds