We are Abstract, our soul purpose is to be creative and driven by art. We run ahead of the crowd to disperse energy and to show our true colors, whether it is our talents or our presence. Art is but a perspective so bite me, so may your creativity run free as I do say so.
Things we want to do:
[]Fixing clan forum page
[x] Reach 10 Members
[] Reach 20 Members
[] Reach 30 Members
[] Becoming a hub for art making and aesthetic players
[]Create clan video
[]Create bank
Things we have done: [X]Created Discord Sever
[X]Get Allies
Follow these orders and we all can chill and vibe: Be respectful, "going to far" or being toxic to the point of offense will not be allowed.
Activity is not required, but if you are going to be inactive 2 weeks + please say in forum.
No politics
No self promotion within forum( Go to discord )
No cussing
No stealing art
Overall treat others as you would want to be treated
You must be ambitious about the Stuff you create regarding Toribash and art as a whole,
direct message DanGerG aka D4nGerG#2349 on discord or give a reason, or an example of you work such as art/ replays, within forum on why you should join.
Please keep in mind that whether your ability to draw, trick, spar, etc. is weak, as long as you are ambitious about your goal and what you want to show others you are welcomed in my book
new clan?
we shall talk to xxfredsty about this
I'm a little confused but yes it is a new clan. If you are interested please dm me through discord. The clan's forum page is not finish yet so the link is not available, but my discord name/ # is in the forum.