Original Post
[legend post] does anyone want a commission
im broke and i need to buy some food itll be cheap contact me on discord alejandro#7369 id appreciate it I don't even have for contact lens solution and I don't have a pair of glasses even though i have a grading of -7 both eyes w astigmatism and myopia I only use contacts because it's cheaper in the short run

this is my portfolio in case you haven't seen my art

thanks for attention XD
Wasnt aware you were a talented artist, Do you only use Firework? I always struggle with said program

Also the artwork is beautiful!
Rythm smells like Cheese
thanks man it's what I do

I use mostly fireworks but I can also work on photoshop and illustrator but those are only for conversion purposes and such, I have them installed tho

im broke as hell and depressed so contact me if ud like any work done B')
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn