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Need tips and tricks for saving back falls
Hey all-

I've recently picked up Toribash after a VERY long hiatus and now that I am older, I'm starting to see how much fun this game is! I love creating my own moves and I love moving my Tori, the only problem is getting my Tori back to their feet.

In most of my replays, I will do a move and begin to fall back. I then attempt to save a back fall by extending an arm out to touch the ground and begin to try a spin or to get back on my feet. I end up on my back again or my face.

I've uploaded some replays that I have recorded as little samples as to what I am talking about. These are only a few that I have saved, I usually only save my replays if it was one of my best attempts at something.

What are some tips and tricks that could help me get back on my feet?
Attached Files
Low Blow to Beatdown.rpl (62.7 KB, 13 views)
Run to Gut Punch.rpl (125.3 KB, 9 views)
Running Practice.rpl (87.2 KB, 11 views)
Low Blow to Beatdown : You are starting by extending your abs and your hips, wich it makes your tori's weight going back and falling back at the same time. You keep your legs sticked together without any option to save it. Imagine how you would do that irl if you were in this position. Probably extending your glutes when you are turning your chest to make one of your legs going back and keep you standing on. After that, you are falling on your arm, wich is not bad, but you keep it full extended. I would suggest you to let your elbow being a bit contracted then extending it to give you a push forward.

Run to Gut Punch : In this one you are not falling back but frontward wich is resulting of a too much weight in front of yourself. Try to manage the leaning of your body through the hips position. Avoid to lean too much forward by extending a bit more your hips. Also, relax your shoulders when you are running. By keeping them holded, you keep your arm's weight in a high position wich is making more weight forward.

Running Practice : As you may notice in this replay, you are leaning too much forward again and you extended your abs to try to fix it. Instead of extending your abs, lean less forward by using your hips.

All the balance thing is about weight managing.

I suggest you to make a replay where you get a bigger start distance and just running straight forward as far as you can to get used to that, or even using any parkour mod and doing free running in it, not trying to go from the point A to the point B but just taking fun and managing your balance through your moves.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Hey Mocucha!

I like doing a lot of upper body turns to connect punches, I think that's one of my favorite Toribash things to do is punching. Once I get that concept down I plan to move on to kicking and then grabbing. A lot of the balance issues can be solved/helped by widening my Tori's stance with glutes and hips essentially? I feel as though I am developing a basic understanding of how weight is controlled on the upper body.

hey KittehKun!

I'll summarize my suggestion quoting one of Mocucha's tips

Originally Posted by Mocucha View Post
All the balance thing is about weight managing.

You'll realize very shortly that saving any type of balance loss if super tricky, actually. Simpler balance recovers will work around completely falling on the floor and then pushing yourself up so you can stand on your feet once again.

I'll attach an example of me recovering after a severe balance loss to my back. Notice how much micromanaging movement it requires so i can get completely in control of my balance again.

TL; DR: Recovering balance is a very advanced technique and not really worth mastering in this game (it is worth understanding how to get there tho), Avoiding balance losses is probably where you want to get shortly.

OBS: reach me privately if you want any tutoring about replaymaking in general. my discord tag is in my signature
Attached Files
backfall.rpl (529.7 KB, 13 views)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Hey Lionet!

I've taken a look at your replay and my goodness is it a lot of micromanaging as you said. I've combined both of the tips and tricks in this post to improve a replay I had been going for. Towards the end, I broke out into a "run" of sorts which surprised me a little. Was there anything I could have improved on balance-wise in my most recent replay? (This was on default gravity settings of -9.82 instead of -30)

Attached Files
Weight Management Practice.rpl (60.0 KB, 4 views)
Balancing in -10'ish is a lot different from using -20, -30 gravity. Since the tori is super strong while being very light with these gravity configurations, if you wanna stay in control of your balance you'll have to move slowly/lightly most of the time

Notice how the second step you take almost completely flips you back. That happened for two major reasons:
- First of all, even in lower gravities (or higher negative values), a step that wide will surely leave you off balance by the fact that when you extend the hip from your next stepping leg it'll flip your upperbody backwards. In another words, most of the times you want your steps to be aligned with your head position if you are running/walking while leaning forward, that way your body falling forward will generate momentum for you to run and your steps will just keep your balance in check (if that makes any sense);
- As the gravity is -10'ish, you must do a lot slower/lighter moves if you dont want to completely launch yourself from the ground

I'll attach an example of me editing your replay and trying to walk properly. Notice how long it takes for me to fall forward and how slowly i gotta move in order to pull it off

quick hint, you can press SHIFT+SPACE in singleplayer if you want to skip a single frame instead of a full turnframe (which is 10 frames by default), it's really useful for small adjustments

also i want to invite you to DM me in discord once again, it'll be easier to pin point details like this and i can even provide images and edit your stuff with more ease
Attached Files
walking lightly.rpl (102.8 KB, 2 views)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!