Bring Organization's back.
So I thought why not bring the organization's back into the community? I miss them and mostly the serious ones that we had in here such as Team Aikido [TA] and Team Lenshu [TL], etc... Now that the dev's and staff are getting more technical with the forums, they could also get more technical with community organisations.
I understand why ORMO is around and essentially an official org but why not the other organizations? I think there should be a voting/application type of system with staff positions that could deal with them to make organizations that could definitely have an impact on the game and forums become official, not like what we used to have where you could join and make several organizations that were memes, unless you wanted to bring those back.
Organizations were fun to make and be apart of, everyone had their memories with them and legendary quotes within those groups and so I think we should have them back but in a more modern form and system.