Erthtkv2 is the best competitive mod. 10tf is ideal for baiting and ghost manipulation. No dms are lucky, if you trace each replay, there is a reason why it occurs. Your tori is more fragile, which makes you consider more how you move, self-damage is pretty important to support that as well. The dojo serves as a way to save your dms, as they happen often.
Learn to use hold and relax properly, and if you do that then this mode becomes the most entertaining one to play, you'll be able to avoid most "lucky" dms
Hi, I have compiled a list why erthtk should be banned from Toribash.
- Mods shove it down everyone's throats but really, no one wants to actually play it
- It's literally luck based
- Whoever has the luckiest snap kick wins
- Wtf is 10 tf doing in any multiplayer mod
- I'm trying to play a game, not fall asleep
- Accelerated bullshit -10 DM threshold
- You are made of toothpicks
- You literally fall apart from moving too fast
- You can get a nice strike on opponent but you get 12 points and they get 100,000 points
- Also when this happens you literally fall into a million pieces
- Whats the point of a dojo when theres like 36 frames at 1 TF