Original Post
Liquid Witchcraft
Hi all, thanks for clicking this thread,
I'm a bit insecure when it comes to my arts.
But I'm trying to improve my art skills, and here's some of my arts that was lazily made and yeah it looks messy.

App used: Photoshop

Digital Painting

Image Manipulation

Toribash Textures

I also tried FL Studio Back in 2017, by watching tutorials.
The results can be found here
Last edited by watermagic; Mar 12, 2022 at 03:45 AM.
The image edition looks good, could've made the tree pitch black so we can't see though it on some of its parts and maybe use more rocks to get it a bit unique i don't know if you get me.

The toribash heads are cool, but it doesn't looks like its made to fit on their heads even tho they are nice as heck (i can't do anything near that im trash art dude)

AND your digital painting are awesome i really like the style especially on the 1st and 4th one it looks pretty clean and kind of alive

You should def keep going and trying man
(please do more mods)
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?

image manip, di aernya kasi refleksi pulau sama mataharinya, di pulaunya bisa dikasi cahaya dari belakang, buat clipping mask di atas layer pulau, terus buat lighting pake brush warna kuning-orange ish

digital painting yang 4 fav imo

make more shi \o/

Discord : bintangfal